Whenever I meet people and tell them I am a professional photographer, I am very often asked if I photograph weddings. After I reply "not very often" or "only for friends really"; I am then asked why not or what I do photograph. Well as anyone who follows my blog here will already know my main work as a photographer is shooting fashion. And of course, bridal wear, bridal gowns, mother of the bride, bridesmaids dresses, these are all fashion too! Curiously (or perhaps not) both wedding photography and fashion photography are very specialised fields with some overlapping, but quite different skills sets. It's very much like I have written about in my last blog post on the difference between a Models Headshot and a Portrait; the big difference is how the pictures are to be used, what they are for - Bridal Fashion photography equals Selling Wedding Gowns; whereas the wedding photographs can range from simply documenting the day to, it's own kind of declaration of Love the Extravaganza now-in-pictures! My wedding photography has been limited to the documentary style of wedding photography; I'm not sure I have the skill set for the real-wedding picture-extravaganza.. it's all good, each to their own. The flip side of the question "do you photograph weddings?"..
.."not often" "just friends really". Is that I am often asked by bridal designers "can you photograph wedding dresses?" the answer is "of course!" Creating feeling; bringing out details, hopes and desires, that is exactly what, as a fashion photographer that I do! A colleague of mine has a rather sharp and cheeky reply to that question; "that's a long black evening dress only in white, right?" his point being that maybe it's just another dress.. But of course, as we all know, this is NOT just another dress, it's that very very special dress, it's a dress like no other; a dress that will be the only one like it you will ever need, a truly unique dress, a dress about love for YOUR truly special and unique day!
For this Bridal Fashion shoot you are looking at now, I selected a popular Sydney Eastern Suburbs location; we had three beautiful 'real' young women'' as our models and a wonderful Summers day. We also had a great collection of bridal dresses and fabulous positive attitude! But what we did not have, was a real bride or groom; months of planning and anticipation resulting in the big day surrounded by family, friends, the whole wedding thing that creates the atmosphere and the emotion that you see in photographs that are taken at a wedding ceremony on the day.
Well we wanted some of that feeling for our pictures and it's here where working with an experienced fashion photographer truly comes into it's own. Working with the designer the dresses and the models; setting the mood, finding or creating the right light to build the right atmosphere, that bridal feeling - on a day where there are no brides , no bride grooms or family to be seen.. No wedding! That is when you need an experienced photographer who can deliver all those emotional and visual elements of the picture you want on-call. Our shoot is in line with contemporary bridal photography, taking advantage of the vintage location and natural light and drawing a focus on the dresses; the feeling is intimate, beautiful and fresh like Australia's outdoor summer lifestyle.
So here are quite a few of our dresses in quite a few shots and variations. I love our classic Black and White shots and I love the colour shots too! Can I photograph wedding dresses? Yes I certainly can. And can I capture the feeling of the day too? Yes I can. Do pictures like this sell dresses. Yes, yes they certainly do, and I can photograph your fashion for you too. More pictures and contact details below.
If you would like your fashion photographed with pictures that sell, please email or call. If you would like your wedding photographed in a reportage/documentary style; let me know, I can do that for you too.
Photography - Kent Johnson
(61) 0433 796 863 Sydney, Australia.
The Art of the Personal Project: Beth Galton
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