I have been working on getting a portrait of John for a number of years now. So I was, to say the least, very happy when he commissioned me to shoot the catalogue portrait for his September 2011 show at John Buckley Gallery in Richmond. John had been kind enough to drop into my
Artists Portraits show 'SNAP' at SNO in May 2010 and, I think that helped quite a lot in securing the commission as John mentioned to me on a number of occasions how much he enjoyed the show. He certainly understood that 'SNAP' was about the artist in
their space at that tricky moment in time, The Opening!

Click the picture to view larger.

The portrait has been used just inside the back cover as seen below. John also had me photograph a couple of the paintings he had changed a little between the official photography of the paintings and the catalogue deadline. While its had been a while since I have done art copy work those shots went according to plan and into the catalogue as well.

September - 1 October 2011
John Buckley Gallery
Love wide open spaces like that and just a chance to create xx